Psalm 118:22 The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.

God’s Glory Plan demonstrates acts of love that bring honor and praise to God. When we sacrifice our time, talent and blessings, we demonstrate the Love of God.

The development of God’s Glory Plan reveals Armor’s responsibility to love our neighbor as our selves.

God’s Glory Plan includes beautiful demonstrations of love and acts of kindness!

Feeding Our Friends was Armor’s first outreach to extend our love to our neighbors. We distributed bags of food and shared words of encouragement to lift the hearts of men, women and children.

Tammie and I know, when you give from the heart, that love trickles down to the next generation. The Armor Children enjoyed spearheading the logistics necessary to carry out God’s Glory Plan. Armor is proud to say, “Lord send me!”

Throughout the years of Michelle and I putting together our ideas for Armor Materials, we have always known that our goal was not only to have a very successful business but to give back to others. Our plan was always to give “God the Glory” and that is what we do when we fulfill our philanthropy work. Further, Armor’s philanthropic mission aims to create brighter futures by bridging cultures and building academic achievement and life skills for today’s youth and whoever needs us most!

In truth, I believe no matter what industry or line of business that you belong to, there is nothing that demonstrates the value of your skills more than putting them to good use for a cause you believe in. Michelle and I will forever dedicate our acts of kindness to the Big General Contractor above because His blessing to us has allowed Armor Materials to bless those that are in need.